Hospital check list

Getting ready for the big day? There always seems so much to remember, and everyone has different advice! What to pack, what not to pack, what to wear - the list goes on! We've put together a list of some of our best items, and a few reasons why we've included them too.

There's a list for you, a list for baby, and one for your partner (so they don't feel left out!):


Hospital checklist for mum-to-be

  • Pregnancy notes and birth plan (if you have one)
  • Nightie or big t-shirt to give birth in and one for afterwards
  • Socks, slippers and a dressing gown to keep you cosy
  • Toiletries wash bag - toothpaste, toothbrush, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant
  • Hairbrush and hairbands 
  • Music - play your favourite tunes!
  • Food and drinks - to keep you fuelled and hydrated without relying on the vending machine
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • Nursing bra
  • Maternity sanitary towels
  • Change of clothes for going home 
  • Cheap cotton knickers 

Hospital checklist for baby

Hospital checklist for partners

  • Change of clothes
  • Wash bag  
  • List of people to call on your behalf
  • Mobile (and charger) to make those all important phone calls!
  • Food and drink as they will need to keep fuelled and hydrated too 
  • Stamina and understanding ; )

Hospital checklist for the car

  • Petrol!
  • Change for the hospital car park
  • Baby seat - make sure it fits in the car that you will come home in
  • Sign for car saying wife in labour with mobile number in case no time to park properly